ajk ACCOUNTING - Our services

Starting A Business – What You need to know

Mandy has helped many businesses get started and she can help you decide how you set up your businesses legally. You will need to decide what kind of business structure will work best and what compliance issues you may need to deal with. E.g Talk with Mandy about whether a Company, Partnership or Sole Trader set up would work best for you.

Simple Tax Advice

Mandy has years of experience in working with or sorts of businesses with different needs. She will help you consider things like what balance date would be best, as there may be industry standards but another balance date may suit your needs better. Do you have to file an income tax return at all, and if so, do you know when they are due and how that date effects payment dates and amounts? Mandy will make sure you know what to do, and by when in order to avoid or minimise IRD penalties and interest. GST, Income Tax and other taxes are altered by IRD regularly. As an industry expert, Mandy always has the most up to date information and is often aware of pending changes that may effect your business.

IRD Negotiations

If you do find yourself in a sticky situation with the IRD (eg overdue returns, overdue payments) and don’t know who to talk to, or are finding the jargon difficult to understand, Mandy can realive the stress and take care of it for you. She speaks their language and can translate IRD Jargon into simple terms that you will understand so you can then make informed decisions. And Mandy getting onto things in a timely fashion on your behalf will ensure things dont get out of hand, as they can easily do so very quickly!

General Financial Business Assistance

Mandy’s hands-on experience as chartered accountant, a landlord, an employer and as a grapegrower, combined with her various clients industry experience, means she can help you with most queries on tax or business in general. Think of her and an extended member of your team! And when she cant help, her extensive business network means she can refer you to someone with the specific knowledge that you need.

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Mandy Keesing

23 Stafford Street, Clive 4102
P O Box 8841, Havelock North 4157

Phone : 06 873 7134
Cell No : 0274 491 738